On the Road to California, Part 2

Brazil, IN. Home of the Popcorn Festival. Three long, straight days of driving on I-70. We called Indiana's stretch of it Roadkill Alley because we counted twelve deer, five raccoon, and who knows how many smaller animal carcasses before we reached the Illinois State line. From the "You Had One Job..." file... On the plus side, the fall colors are beautiful, with golds and yellows becoming predominant the further west we go. The fields in Kansas are in the end stages of clearing their wheat crops, though millet crops still remain. Some fields, already harvested and plowed, are showing the budding green of winter ryegrass. A few heads of black cattle dot the landscape. We are listening to John Sandford novels which makes time pass swiftly. We were staying with friends in Aurora, CO on Halloween night, and what a treat it was to see so many trick-or-treaters come to their door. We've been in New York for 26 (!!) years, and over that entire period of time I...