Stepping away

Mission accomplished. We had a very enjoyable and successful meeting this week with Dina and Ralph, and beginning next April, they will be taking over the reins of ABM for 2019 Spring and Summer season. Buoyed by equal parts excitement and trepidation, I s lept poorly the night after our interview. Woke numerous times worried that I was going to be sick. This is our baby! Stepping away and letting others run the inn we've created, nourished and grown is going to be tough. But, as I keep reminding myself, it's the only way to move forward instead of marching in place. Snow filling in the spaces in the rocks Driving home to California from Colorado, it appears a snowstorm had passed west of Denver in the time we'd been visiting. While (for the most part) the roads were clear and dry, snow scaped the peaks and canyons of the Rockies. Even prettier, the fine snow had settled into the wind-and water-carved sandstone buttes of lower Monument Valley, creating dim...