
Showing posts from October, 2019


Post-Labor Day Beach, Southampton So this summer was The Experiment. Chris and I have owned and operated our bed and breakfast for 17 years. We'd like to sell, and move back to California. (Okay, full disclosure: *I* would like to sell and move back to Laguna Beach. Chris is still on the fence. But he feels that I moved East in 1992 for him, so he owes me. At this point, I'm taking him up on it.) We were tired. Borderline burnout. So last year about this time, we thought Okay, if we aren't going to sell anytime soon, what about bringing in managers? Which, if you've followed this blog, you know we did. And they did an awesome job for their 6-month contract, which ended September 30. Over the summer, which we spent back in Laguna Beach, Chris had shoulder surgery, followed by months of rehab. But we still enjoyed our first summer off from work in all of Chris's working life. (Being a self-employed writer for 10 years prior to opening ABM, you might argue ...