(Non) Labor Day musings

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Today is Labor Day…and for the first time in three decades, it’s not even a notable day for us. Living as we have done in places for which tourism is a chief industry, Labor Day always marked the supposed (if not actual) End of The Season and everyone in the hospitality industry drew a collective breath of relief. Tomorrow we called Tumbleweed Tuesday (picture the tumbleweed rolling across the deserted Old West street) and pretty much every restaurant in the Hamptons will be closed for the first time in fourteen weeks. In our business, we found that the bookings did not lessen after Labor Day, but an entirely different type of guest arrived: usually from farther away than the Tri-State area, and way more laid back than the summer crowd. Those of you who’ve (voluntarily!) transitioned into retirement ahead of me, tell me: Do people ask you if you miss your work? I can’t imagine that they do…unless maybe the askers are your old co-workers still in the ...